Please review the following updates to our policies and protocols, which are designed in accordance with health administrators, to protect both our clients and therapists as we begin to move forward.


Mobile Massage Safety

Please note: all sessions are by appointment only.

For Our Clients:

We ask that you do NOT book a session if:

  • You are experiencing any symptoms related to COVID-19

  • You have traveled internationally within the last 30 days

  • You have not been cleared by a doctor or have experienced any symptoms within the past 2 weeks

  • Anyone in your household has knowingly been exposed

When you book a session, please:

  • Shower before your appointment

  • Wear a face mask that covers your nose and mouth and have a hand towel ready to sneeze or cough into

  • Offer to use your own freshly-laundered sheets if you prefer

  • Provide a kitchen sink, powder room, or bathroom for the therapist to wash his/her hands

  • Refrain from shaking hands until both you and the therapist have thoroughly washed your hands

  • Keep children and others 6 feet away from the massage table and the therapists’ belongings to follow social distancing protocol

  • Keep your pets out of the room/away from therapist’s equipment

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